Day: October 11, 2010


Being a union member is more than paying dues. The union cannot function without members who get involved and work for the good of their co workers and themselves. Get involved and help manage the direction and future of our organization.

March on D.C. – October 2, 2010

Some 175,000 union members, human rights, faith and workers rights activists rallied in Washington D.C. for One Nation Working Together for Jobs, Education and Economic Justice. “We come together today because America needs jobs. Good jobs that support families, all families,” said AFL CIO President Richard Trumpka speaking from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Local 514 Classification Chart

Title 1 Inspector  348 Crew Chief Mechanic AMT 341 Mechanic AMT 2,805 AMT / OSM position 86 OSM 454 Crew Chief Part Washer 6 Part Washer 68 Crew Chief Aircraft Cleaner 12 Aircraft Cleaner 116

Contractually Speaking

Did you know that it is a contractual right for you to have Union Representation when ever a supervisor asks a question that may lead to discipline or when written statements are requested? We highly recommended any union member to seek union representation if an investigation should occurs. It is difficult to exercise your right…

DOT and A.A. Drug Panel Changes

The Transport Workers Union has been notified by James Weel (Managing Director of American Airlines) that starting Friday October 1, 2010 the company will adopt Department of Transportation (DOT) changes to the federal drug testing panel.

Optional Short Term Disability

Optional Short Term Disability (OSTD) is paid by the employee and is insured through Met Life. There is a seven-day waiting period and the benefit is payable on the 8th day of your disability or when your sick pay is exhausted, which ever is later. The maximum you can draw is 50% of your salary…

Questions From the Floor

Why are the FSA spending account cards going to be done away with? Rob Kirk, Hangar 2, Facilities Maintenance FSA Debit Card Discontinuation Source: Jetnet Flexible Spending Accounts FAQs