
Union Dues Exoneration


Article XVII, Section 4(a), [Any member who is prevented by illness, injury, or layoff from earning any wages in a calendar month shall be excused from paying dues for such month and such nonpayment shall not affect his good standing. For the purpose of this paragraph, the word “Wages” shall be construed to include any monetary compensation, totaling seventy-five (75%) percent or more of the member’s regular monthly income from his/her employment, payable to an ill or injured worker under applicable law, and/or pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement. …]


Section 4(b) After 3 consecutive months’ approved exoneration because of lay-off, a laid -off member shall be required to pay his/her dues to retain his/her good standing membership, or to accept an honorary withdrawal card.

Illness or Injury

After twelve consecutive months’ approved exoneration because of illness or injury, any such ill or injured member shall be required to pay his/her dues to retain his/her good standing membership, or accept an honorary withdrawal card.

A member shall not be considered to be in good standing during any period for which he/she holds an honorary withdrawal card.


Military Leave of Absence

[… persons on military leave are not entitled to exoneration under Section 6 since they do not fit the category of “being prevented from earning any wages in a calendar month. …”]

Discharged Members

[… should be considered as laid-off and therefore would fall under the provisions of Section 6(b). …]

[…nothing prevents any member on longer periods of lay-ff or even military leave from continuing to pay dues in order to maintain good standing with the local for other purposes. …]

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