Day: March 28, 2011

OSHA Inspection Practices and Policies

OSHA Inspections When the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) comes knocking, what should a facility expect and how should it be handled? The OSHA inspector is there for one of two reasons: to conduct a programmed inspection or an unprogrammed inspection. A programmed inspection is when the inspection is scheduled due to selection criteria…

MSgt Tom Garrett Benefit Golf Tournament

For twenty two years, Oklahoma native, MSgt Tom Garrett has put himself in harm’s way for his country. He and his family have sacrificed for years going above and beyond whenever he was called into action, and they have done so selflessly and without thought of personal gain. MSgt Tom Garrett is a hero. But,…

Sgt. Tavera’s Fundraising Event

Brothers and Sisters, The TWU ATD Veterans Committee has a new project, Sgt. Joel Tavera. Joel is an Army Veteran that was severely wounded in Iraq. Some of his injuries include blindness, an amputated leg, and burns on over 60% of his body. Building Homes for Heros is in the process of building Joel a…