Day: July 26, 2011

Contracting Out Seven 757 Heavy Checks

On July 20 Local 514 sent a page to all shop stewards notifying them that Directing Manager of Aircraft Overhaul Mark Easton informed us that American was looking to contract out seven of the upcoming 757 heavy “C” checks. Local 514 officials informed Mr. Easton that we are NOT in agreement with any outsourcing of…

Worker’s Compensation Administration Vendor Change

Quick Facts: Effective 8/1/2011, Sedgwick CMS will takeover all Worker’s Comp. claims administration services from Specialty Risk Services and CorVel. This transition includes all prior and new injuries. **Scott Garrison will remain in Tulsa as Worker’s Compensation point of contact. Claim Handling Contact Information for Texas is 1-800-677-1412. Claim Handling Contact Information Oklahoma and Tennessee…


Unions have always understood in order to have a strong voice on all levels of government, you must have a large voting membership. Cities and states that have large union density also have better wages and benefits, even for the workers who are not organized. Before 911, airline workers enjoyed better wages and benefits than…