Month: August 2011

Thoughts of a Retiree

Places like Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, are passing laws that are prohibiting public workers from having unions. Maybe some of our reactions would be, “that’s to bad for them.” If we think the elected officials are going to stop at public employees, we would stand as being wrong. The war prisoners in Europe during WWII could tell…

Congress Must Not Go on Summer Vacation Before Funding our Aviation System

“At this moment, 4,000 aviation workers are not collecting a paycheck and more than 70,000 construction workers’ jobs are at risk because Congress is playing ideological games. If Congress packs up and goes home for the summer without passing a clean extension of the FAA bill, these workers won’t be able to provide for their…

Shop Stewards Meeting

Date: Monday, August 8, 2011 Time: 7:15 AM 11:45 AM 3:45 PM Place: TWU Hall 11929 East Pine Street Agenda 1. Regular Order of Business. 2. Training: Strike Committee Update on Stewards’ Involvement.   Mary Gorremans Recording Secretary Shop Stewards Posting-PDF