Day: October 5, 2011

Negotiations Update

This week the M&R Negotiation Team met with the Company in Dallas/Forth-Worth. As the Company has been in the news recently, with speculation of bankruptcy and the only major airline to forecast future losses while in negotiations with all labor groups, we feel the Company isn’t giving us the credit we deserve. The three unions…

Benefits Benefits Benefits

Open Enrollment is here! Sign in to Jetnet and enroll in your benefits! This is a limited time offer! There are several new insurance benefits that will be offered through the TWU. There will also be an open enrollment for some TWU benefits that are already in place. First, there are five (5) brand new…


Last Thursday the TWU COPE Committee made a major move in representing the members here at the Tulsa Maintenance Base. Joe McGill, Teresa McMillan, Jason Best with the assistance of State Rep. Eric Proctor drafted a resolution for the City of Tulsa to call on American Airlines to keep the MOC (Maintenance Control Techs’ jobs and others)…

American Postal Workers Rally

B U L L E T I N Local 514 is joining with the American Postal Workers Union in a rally to keep our jobs in Tulsa. The Post Office is under the threat of privatization and AA is planning to send 230 of our jobs to Dallas. Help us bring awareness to the public…