Day: December 2, 2011

Understanding the American Airlines Pension Plan on Jetnet

Just a few clicks to your pension estimate page on Jetnet: 1. Log into Jetnet 2. Click on “Benefits” directly below the Jetnet logo on the masthead 3. Click “Benefit Service Center” at the top of the blue navigation pane on the left side 4. Click on ” My Pension” on the masthead 5. Select“EstimateYourPension”…

United Airlines Retirees Shorted On Pensions Due To Agency Errors: Watch Dog

WASHINGTON — A watchdog report says the agency that insures pensions for millions of U.S. workers made serious errors in valuing pension plans for United Airlines employees and as a result some retirees may have received less than they were due. The report issued Wednesday by an assistant inspector general of the Pension Benefit Guaranty…