Day: February 17, 2012

Bankruptcy update .. 2-17-2012

This week has been a whirlwind of meetings, presentations, discussion and activities for TWU negotiators and members. Monday evening TWU International President James C. Little and Air Transport Division Director Garry Drummond hosted a telephonic town hall reporting on the AMR bankruptcy. Members submitted questions via email prior to the call and International President Little…

Update of the FAA Re Authorization Passage

Following three-and-a-half years without a full FAA re-authorization, which led to 23 stopgap extensions and one painful shutdown of the FAA, the Senate approved the “FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act” 75-20. The bill was introduced at the beginning of the 112th Congress, and contains several issues of great importance to TWU members.…

OKC Thunder Basketball Ticket Winners

February 17th Game: Jeff Potts, Brian Kirsch, Malinda Hamm, Wayne Gustafson, David Sanders, Susan Bushwood, Pat Kinnamon, Eric Keys, Del Cotton and Jim Wopart. February 19th Game: Stan Jone, Doug Barnett, David Bellamy, Carol Matthews, Jim Foutch, Ron Gideon, Arthur Hendrix, James Gross, Heidi Virdell and Preston Wilson.

Foot Care Clinics @ TWU514 Hall

The Visiting Nurse Association of Tulsa will be starting Foot Care Clinics at the TWU Hall, 11945 E Pine St Tulsa, OK. Clinics will be held on the fourth Wednesday of every month beginning February 22, 2012 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Appointments are required. Please call 918 695-5165 Warm Water Soak – Nail…

Please Check Your Insurance!!

There have been numerous problems with members not having insurance coverage for themselves and their Dependents. D’Ann Johnson and Malinda Hamm have been working to help all of the members who have been affected and make sure their coverage is available when they need it. Please do not wait until it is to late to get your…

WARN Letter

We have received many questions about the WARN letter and whether each individual will receive one. When workers are represented by the Union, the President of the Union will receive the letter on behalf of it’s membership. Then it is up to that leader when and how to notify the membership. This information can be…

Why Unions are in Politics…

US Congressmen, Senators, and Oklahoma Governors often decide issues by a vote that affect our daily lives, i.e., labor contracts, they can freeze wages and do away with medical insurance for example: An emergency rule that eliminates birth as a qualifying event for individual health insurance coverage was approved by Republican Gov. Mary Fallin this…

Q and A from the TWU informational website concerning the AA Bankruptcy

These are the questions that have been added to the TWU informational site concerning the AA Bankruptcy.. since my last emailing of the Q&A, This starts at question 72. You can always visit the site for all the detailed information. Take Care, Allan Ball TWU514 IT/Communications _______________________________   How does our failed T/A compare (wages, benefits,…

Joins us, Welcome home LCPL Dillon Chapin US Marine Corp…

The family of LCPL Dillon Chapin US Marine Corps has requested us to help welcome there hero home fromAfghanistan. LCPL Chapin will be coming home for some well deserved leave. Arriving 02/21/2012, @  09:36 am flying Delta Airlines Flt, 5084 Curtis Lyons Chairman Local 514 Veterans Committee