Month: March 2012

AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 22, 2012

American Airlines The TWU Negotiating Committees continued meeting internally and with AA over the last two days. Although progress was made on some articles, there are many discrepancies between the company’s numbers and ours. TWUs financial analyst, Tom Roth, met with the Fleet Service and Maintenance and Related committee’s to review their numbers and counter…

AMR – Court Update 3/21/2012

On March 16, 2012, by an agreement between the Allied Pilots Association (the “Pilots”) and the Debtors authorized the Official Committee (the “Committee”) of Unsecured Creditors to intervene in the adversary proceeding commenced by the APA on February 28, 2012. The Pilots seek a determination that section 1113 of the Bankruptcy Code did not apply…

American Eagle Update, 3-21-12

American Eagle officers presented the company’s overview of the carrier’s status to all three labor groups this morning at Flagship University. The labor groups represent a majority of American Eagles employees. The TWU, AFA and ALPA accompanied by their attorneys and economic advisors gathered in the Flagship Auditorium to hear the company’s business reorganization plan…

The 99% Must Succeed

Brothers and Sisters,Last week I attended the annual AFL-CIO Executive Council meeting in Florida.  This meeting brought together union leaders from across the country and served as a catalyst to address many of the challenges we face as workers in the middle class today. Most importantly, it created the opportunity to  adopt numerous policy statements…

Letter from Sam Cirri, March 20, 2012

Your negotiating committee has been working on your behalf to make the company and the legal system understand the value you bring to this company. In doing so, we have enlisted many experts, i.e. Bankruptcy and Labor Attorneys, economists, Health Insurance specialists, etc. As you know, the Local 514 membership has a large stake in the outcome…

Tell us your story…

We are looking for families willing to have their picture taken and tell their story on how American Airlines’ bankruptcy has and could effect them. We are looking to use them for the “I Support American” Pledge site. Please contact the Union Hall at 918 437-4300 if you are interested. We will be setting…

Tool Box Drawing for Hershel Stanley

The family of Hershel Stanley is raffling off his tool box. Due to his illness, Mr. Stanley will no longer be able to use his box and his family could use the money. On Monday, April 9, 2012 Local 514 will be giving Shop Stewards tickets to sell to the membership to help raise money…

Foot Clinic

The Visiting Nurses Association of Tulsa will be here March 28, 2012 from 9AM to 4PM. The clinic will be held at the Transport Workers Union Local 514, 11945 E. Pine St. Please call for an appointment at 918-695-5165. The cost for this treatment $30.00, for which you will receive the following: Warm Water Soak,…

Drawing for FREE OKC Thunder Basketball Tickets

Ten lucky members will win a pair of tickets to the Sunday, April 8th game. In order to win, simply go by the Union Office, 11945 East Pine Street, Tulsa, and bring a non-perishable food item or a monetary donation for the Community Food bank. All monies will be used to purchase food. You will…