Day: January 26, 2015

January 23, 2015 – Disputed Claims Reserve update

Dear Brothers and Sisters: American plans to make another distribution of shares to unsecured creditors from its Disputed Claims Reserve (DCR). The DCR holds shares set aside for resolution of certain claims in the bankruptcy proceedings. When American prevails or settles such claims, shares initially held aside for those claims can be distributed. Once again…

591- Union Files Four-­Count Lawsuit Against American Airlines, Inc. In The United States Court Of The Northern District Of Illinois Alleging Violations Of The Railway Labor Act.

To the Membership, Yesterday, your Union filed a four-­count lawsuit against American Airlines, Inc. in the United States Court of the Northern District of Illinois alleging violations of the RailwayLabor Act.  The lawsuit was prompted by Local 591’s concern that our members are being pressured into practices that violate Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), put their A&P licenses at risk, and jeopardize…