Day: September 17, 2020

RIF information: The option sheet window for Round 2 is now open

Reduction in Force Information The information below outlines details about the Reduction in Force process for affected team members. TWU/IAM-represented Maintenance & Related team members 10 a.m. CT Sept. 15 – 10 a.m. CT Sept. 20 Option Sheet Guide Contract Guidelines FAQs Seniority lists AMT Master Seniority List Cleaner Master Seniority List MLS Seniority List…

AA Joint Letter With Unions on CARES

September 16, 2020   Secretary Mnuchin, Chief of Staff Meadows, Speaker Pelosi, Leader McCarthy, Leader McConnell and Leader Schumer: We wrote to you earlier this year, at an early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, urging you to invest in our team members, our airline and our industry so we could ultimately help lead our nation’s…