29(d) International Grievance – Biometric Timeclocks

Here is the filing of the grievance:


March 13, 2020

Mr. James B. Weel
Managing Director Labor Relations – Technical Operations
American Airlines
PO Box 619616, MD 5235
Fort Worth, TX 75261-9616

Ms. Lynn Vaughn
Managing Director Labor Relations – Customer Service
American Airlines
PO Box 619616, MD 5235
Fort Worth, TX 75261-9616

In accordance with Articles 27 and 29 (d), and all other relevant Articles of the the AA/TWU Agreement M&R, MLS, and Fleet Service Agreements, please accept this communication as official notice of violation and protest listed below:
As American Airlines is dealing with the Covid-19 virus, it has now become known to the TWU International that the current “biometric time clocks” have a systematic flaw regarding the transmission/exchange of virus/disease affecting members safety and health. Specifically, the current “biometric time clocks” require TWU members to place their finger onto the “biometric time clock” in order for their attendance, in or out of the workplace, to register.

This attendance control system does not provide a sanitary process, therefore TWU members are now being exposed to virus such as coronavirus and more specifically an increased opportunity for the transmission to a large population of our members to Covid -19.

TWU International demands that American Airlines immediately cease and desist from the process of requiring TWU members to “clock in and/or out” using the biometric system. Furthermore, until such time that American Airlines discontinues the use of the biometric system, that American Airlines Airlines discontinues the use of the biometric system, that American Airlines immediately rescind and/or withdraw going forward any discipline or discharge for any TWU member who refuses or fails to utilize the biometric system. And finally, that American Airlines commits to remove and replace the biometric system with a system that does not require TWU members to utilize their body parts, such as a finger or hand, to be placed onto a device and/or adopt a procedure(s) that does not undermine the health and safety of its employees.

Gary Peterson
International Vice President
Air Division Systems Coordinator

2020_March_13 29d Intl Grievance Biometric Timeclocks in PDF