Recalls and Reassignments

Although the recalls have been a nightmare in the way it has been handled and many grievance have been filed, there may be some fixes in the very near future. Four committees have been formed to help solve some of the issues and concerns of recalls, reassignments and bypasses. Four teams of folks (TWU 514 and Management) will ensure the appropriate folks are identified in the next few days.

A Recall Review Team will go through the recalls to date and make the determination of what exactly was done incorrectly and make recommended adjustments to classification, occupational seniorities.

An Address Review Team will go through all the return receipts and the no response folks on the recall lists, along with validating all company areas that addresses are received by the company to investigate if the employees were improperly recalled.

A Contact Team will go through the Local 514 contact information and the Tulsa Base contact information for all the members who had no responses and prepare a contact list that comprises both the Local 514 and Tulsa Base contact information. The contact team will then wait to hear from the Address Review Team to take action and try to contact the employees identified by the team.

An Operational Team will determine all the vacancies in the Tulsa Base that will need to be filled (compiling the vacancies weekly). They will determine report dates, and when to assign the recalls off the street to positions (whether on property or not) and also determine when to post vacancies within the base for one deep selections.

It is our goal to expedite these issues as quickly and efficiently as possible. If you have questions concerning recalls, phone the Union Hall at (918) 437-4300 and ask for the Recall Desk.