AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 24-25, 2012

American Airlines

During this weekend, the TWU’s legal and economic advisors worked tirelessly expediting last minute reviews of AA documents, company explanations and analysis of TWU counter proposals. These cost analysis and labor proposals will be ready for presentation this week.

Tom Roth, TWU’s labor economist, met with AA financial analysts on Saturday, reviewing their methodologies and carryovers, while our bankruptcy and labor attorneys prepared for possible court hearings if a consensual deal is not met.

Late last week, AA senior VP Jeff Brundage notified union negotiators that AA would seek to abrogate all collective bargaining agreements if progress was not made quickly. The company announced this coming week as their self imposed deadline to do that.

In a press release last week, International President James C. Little told members, “We have always been prepared to fight for our members — either by reaching an agreement or going to court…”

The TWU Negotiating Committees for AA and AE reconvene on Monday March 26 at Flagship University.