AA Bonus

Brothers and Sisters:

You likely received a message from American Airlines notifying you of a $1,000 distribution for every team member. The company claims this bonus is to celebrate the hard work of each of you, and that the extra money is a result of the new tax structure recently passed by Congress. Don’t buy it!

American Airlines has been making record profits for years, and they’ve benefited from their protected bankruptcy status and have paid next to nothing in taxes for several years.They have had enough money to give TWU members bonuses, raises, and lower cost benefits for years, they have simply chosen not to do it, or negotiate it in a JCBA. While TWU members continue to provide record setting performance, American’s leadership team seems to take us for granted.

Now that the government gave them (and every other corporation) , an even bigger tax break, they are sending members a letter trying to make themselves look like the good guys, taking care of their workforce. It’s time we call this corporate propaganda what is: Doug Parker and Robert Isom trying to distract you from the fact that we’ve been negotiating for over two years, and they have still failed to negotiate the industry leading contract they continue to promise.

Do they think $1,000 is going to make up for their complete lack of investment in their largest workforce on the American Airlines property? The leadership continually tells the membership that they want to reach a JCBA, yet none of the key leaders have come to the bargaining table. While Doug talks about the best labor relations, those at the bargaining table continue to fight over items United and Delta employees enjoy today.

The new year has begun with the same rhetoric from the top AA management. It’s time for Doug Parker to recognize they have still failed to deliver on anything close to the contract our members have been promised. In November, Doug Parker said reaching a JCBA was his top priority, and TWU
intends to hold him and his leadership team accountable for delivering on that commitment.


Mike Mayes
TWU International Vice President and Director, Air Division

AA Bonus Update – 1-4-18 in PDF