AE Bankruptcy Update

The TWU negotiating teams resumed negotiations with Eagle management on Tuesday, May 22. After receiving multiple documents from the Company, Fleet and M&R have slowed the document requests, but continue to evaluate the documents received. The Ground School Instructors and Dispatch groups continue to request documents and evaluate those received from the Company, in an effort to better analyze Eagle’s proposals.

TWU Economist John Donnelly continues to assist the negotiating teams in the economic analysis of the Company’s proposals. TWU Labor Attorneys Mark Richard and Christina Gornail continue to assist the TWU negotiators in meeting with the Company.

The groups have no further meetings with the Company scheduled for this week, as the Company is also working with the flight attendant and pilot negotiators. All TWU groups are scheduled to reconvene negotiations at Flagship University with the Company after the Memorial Day Holiday. The TWU negotiators continue to work on reaching consensual deals as soon as possible.