AMR Bankruptcy Update for April 4, 2012

The TWU Negotiating Committees reconvened this Monday and continued meeting with American Eagle company negotiators. Starting last week, TWU negotiators requested numerous documents from the company. The TWU negotiators received some of those important documents this week and are in the process of analyzing them.
The Negotiating Committees have asked many questions of the company regarding their proposals, and to date, the company has answered some – but not all of them. The committee’s continue drafting specific questions and requests for follow up documents to review in detail.
TWU economist John Donnelly is working with the TWU Negotiating Committees to assist in breaking down the company cost outs and their financial assumptions. There are many variables that must be considered with each one. Mark Richard and Christina Gornail, TWU labor attorneys, continue to assist the Negotiating Committees throughout the process.
The TWU Negotiating Committees are exploring different ways to achieve the $12 million cost savings asked by the company. TWU negotiators continue working hard to reach a consensual agreement that still protects members’ wages, benefits and contracts.