AMR Bankruptcy Update for June 8, 2012

On Monday, June 4, 2012 TWU negotiators for each of the four Eagle groups and their advisors resumed negotiations at Flagship University. There was good progress with the company this week, as the negotiators continued to work towards consensual deals that will preserve essential terms of the current contracts.
The Fleet and AMT groups have provided the company with some ideas on how to reach the financial ask, and are awaiting full-text language for approval. Negotiations sessions for these groups will continue on June 25, 2012. The Dispatch and Ground School Instructors have also continued to meet with the company, seeking ways to meet the company’s financial ask while protecting our members.
TWU Economist John Donnelly continued to meet with the company regarding certain valuation issues, which he continues to analyze in conjunction with the numerous responses to TWU document requests.
The Dispatch group will resume meetings with the company on Monday June 11, 2012. The GSI group expects to resume negotiations on June 18, 2012.