Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

January 26, 2018
Brothers and Sisters,
The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington D.C.
Complete Tentative Agreements were reached on:
Seniority M&R-MLS
Hours of Service M&R
Reduction in Force M&R-MLS
Overtime Distribution Procedures M&R-MLS
As previously reported in our last session, Association negotiators presented the company with a comprehensive proposal on Scope for all groups.
The Scope proposals set the foundation for the Association this week to present to American Airlines, the largest and most profitable airline in the world (who yesterday reported year-end profits of $3.8 Billion), proposals on all outstanding economic topics. Those topics include Healthcare, Retirement and all forms of Compensation.
Your negotiating committees are pleased to have all of these topics on the bargaining table, a necessary next step in the completion of JCBA negotiations and returning to our members what we have sacrificed to put the company in the position it is in today.
Your continued solidarity and support are critical to our success at this juncture of the negotiation process.
The future negotiating calendar is as follows:
February 12-DCA
February 20-DCA