Category: Negotiations


  US Airways Enter – August 2000 Exit – September 2005 (1113c Agreement) United Airline Enter – December 2002 Exit – January 2006 (1113c Agreement) Northwest Airlines Enter – September 2005 Exit – May 2007 (Strike Settlement)  American Airlines Enter – November 2011 Exit – ???(Tentative Agreement) 1. Contract Duration 7 yrs. 6 mos. 7/1/02…

The TWU-ATD mailed out the Voting Instructions last Friday

The TWU-ATD mailing will contain your Activation Code. We should be seeing them in the mail soon. I have appended the following voting information that came from the website.  TA Voting Instructions To vote, follow the instructions below. You may vote as many times as you like, using either the telephone or Internet, only your last vote will be…

TA Overview and Q&A – Locations Updated 7-18-2012

All meetings will begin about 7AM, except Special Membership Meetings which will be held at 7:15 AM, 11:45 AM and 3:45 PM. Jul 18 Hangars 1 & 2 2D Conf Room (2D, 2nd Level) Jul 19 Hangars 3 & 4 MD 80 Product Team Conf Room (Mezzanine Level, column E8-9) Jul 23 Hangars 5 &…

Letter from Garry Drummond, ATD Director to M&R and Stores, 7-16-2012

TO: ALL TWU MECHANIC & RELATED AND STORES AMERICAN AIRLINES MEMBERS You have the opportunity to consider the full text of the proposed tentative agreement between the TWU and American Airlines covering our mechanic & related and stores membership. If the agreement is approved, the Company will withdraw its motion to reject our collective bargaining…

Q&A sessions for the July 10, 2012 T/A

To be certain that Local 514 members have their questions answered before the upcoming vote on the Tentative Agreement, your Local officers will be at the following locations to go over the T.A. Wednesday, July 18  — Hangars 1 & 2 Thursday, July 19  — Hangars 3 & 4 Monday, July 23  — Hangars 5…

Term Sheets Stores and M&R – July 10, 2012

Yesterday July 10, 2012 members of the Transport Workers Union at American Airlines have reached new tentative agreements with the company for workers in the Maintenance and Related (M&R) and Stores bargaining units.   Mechanic & Related Term Sheet – July 10, 2012 Stores Term Sheet – July 10, 2012