Category: Negotiations

AMR Bankruptcy Update for July 9, 2012

TWU Negotiators representing Maintenance and Related and Stores work groups met with the Company today to review vital data requested last week. There are still remaining open issues to be resolved. The Negotiating Teams are meeting again tomorrow morning. We will keep you posted as updates become available. American Eagle TWU Negotiators will reconvene their…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for July 3, 2012

Today, TWU Stores and Maintenance and Related negotiators met again with the Company. While the talks were intense, critical information was needed by the TWU teams before any final decisions could be made. That information is still pending. AA indicated it would have the data to the union’s experts as soon as possible. Once the information…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for July 2, 2012

TWU Maintenance and Related and Stores negotiators met with the Company today at FSU. Both sides continue to try and reach consensual agreements. There was some positive news last week when the Company lowered its ask for APA. The TWU groups will meet with Company representatives again tomorrow. We will keep you posted as soon…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for June 28, 2012

Today TWU leaders and the Company signed the “me too” clause enhancements for Fleet Service, Dispatchers, Simulator Technicians, Ground School Instructors and Maintenance and Control Technicians. On June 26th and 27th the Negotiating Committee’s met with the Company in order to take advantage of the “me too” clauses included in the five ratified contracts. The…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for June 27, 2012

This afternoon the Allied Pilots Association announced they will send out AA’s “Last Best and Final” offer to their membership. As a result of this development, the Star-Telegram is reporting that judge Sean Lane will delay his ruling on American’s request to reject its labor agreements until August 8, pending the APA’s vote. This has…

Special Jetwire: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 27 2012

A Message from Denise Lynn, Senior Vice President – People Dear American Team, After additional discussions and clarification on a few sections of our June 20 proposal, the APA Board of Directors has agreed to share it with our pilots. This is incredibly welcome news. The agreement is the product of hard work by company…

ATD – AA Bankruptcy Update, June 22, 2012

The TWU International held a conference call this afternoon to update all AA Local presidents on fast moving events surrounding negotiations between American and the Allied Pilots Association. The company has made some movement toward the pilot group and reduced some of their “ask”. These fluid developments trigger the “me too” clause for the five…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for June 11, 2012

This morning,(June 11, 2012) TWU Negotiators and International Representatives representing Maintenance and Related and Stores members, met in New York City for mediated sessions with the company. Judge James Peck, another bankruptcy judge, was asked to oversee these voluntary negotiations by presiding bankruptcy Judge Sean H. Lane. Judge Peck ordered the mediated talks to be…