Category: Negotiations

AMR Bankruptcy – Breaking News March 29, 2012

AA Bankruptcy Update This afternoon the TWU was in U.S. Bankruptcy Court to receive the judge’s ruling on the schedule of the hearing for AMR’s 1113 motion to reject AA’s labor agreements. The court did not set the trial date, but we know the case is moving rapidly. The court did indicate that the union’s…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 28, 2012

American Airlines After AMR’s 1113(c) filing yesterday, there has been continued action on both sides to reach an agreement. On multiple occasions TWU work groups have met with company negotiators. There has been some progress, slow at times, but the talks are often frustratingly complex. The TWU Negotiating Committee’s and the company continued to exchange…

AMR Bankruptcy – Breaking News March 27, 2012

 American Airlines Files to Reject Labor Contracts under Bankruptcy Code Section 1113 We understand that sometime today AMR will file its 1113 motion with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York to reject all seven TWU labor agreements. AA’s filing does not affect our contracts immediately, but is the next step in the legal process.…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 24-25, 2012

American Airlines During this weekend, the TWU’s legal and economic advisors worked tirelessly expediting last minute reviews of AA documents, company explanations and analysis of TWU counter proposals. These cost analysis and labor proposals will be ready for presentation this week. Tom Roth, TWU’s labor economist, met with AA financial analysts on Saturday, reviewing their…

Sec. 1113. Rejection of collective bargaining agreements

Sec. 1113. Rejection of collective bargaining agreements (a) The debtor in possession, or the trustee if one has been appointed under the provisions of this chapter, other than a trustee in a case covered by subchapter IV of this chapter and by title I of the Railway Labor Act, may assume or reject a collective…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 22, 2012

American Airlines The TWU Negotiating Committees continued meeting internally and with AA over the last two days. Although progress was made on some articles, there are many discrepancies between the company’s numbers and ours. TWUs financial analyst, Tom Roth, met with the Fleet Service and Maintenance and Related committee’s to review their numbers and counter…

Letter from Sam Cirri, March 20, 2012

Your negotiating committee has been working on your behalf to make the company and the legal system understand the value you bring to this company. In doing so, we have enlisted many experts, i.e. Bankruptcy and Labor Attorneys, economists, Health Insurance specialists, etc. As you know, the Local 514 membership has a large stake in the outcome…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 16, 2012

There were no scheduled negotiations between the TWU and AMR today. But, in a letter to the NMB late this afternoon, AMR rejected TWUs proffer of binding arbitration. In the letter, Senior VP Jeff Brundage made it clear that AMR would continue to seek consensual agreements with all of its labor groups through the 1113…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 15, 2012 – Negotiations

Today, many of the TWU negotiators broke into sub groups to work on their specific issues. There were multiple meetings that went back and forth with the company regarding costing out calculations, as well as discussing specific concessionary items. Our TWU Benefits sub-committee continued to question the company about its active healthcare proposal. The company…