Category: Politics


Enough is Enough! Some Oklahoma legislators want you to believe that Oklahoma’s budget woes are directly related to our rights to democracy in the workplace. Those who provide necessities, 911 dispatchers, Street repair crew, Sanitation workers, Teachers,Firefighters, Police and more, are under attack. These workers have taken multiple cuts and made many concessions while continuing…

HB 1593

  Call your Representative and ask How They Plan to Vote on HB 1593 Call 1-800-522-8502 and ask for your Representative If you do not know your representative, you may go to and click on “Find Your Legislator” Please call us at (405) 528-2409 and give us the result of your contact.

OETA and Jimmy Curry, Sunday 2-27-2011 – 1:00pm

    OETA is hosting a panel discussion on labor & collective bargaining to air this sunday at 1:00 p.m.     The panel participants are: Jimmy Curry, President of Oklahoma AFL-CIO (Local 514 member) Carolyn Stager, Oklahoma Municipal League There are others that have been invited to participate but as of now have not…


DO PASS ON HB 1593 By a close vote—9 yes and 7 no—they voted to send to the House Floor this very anti-worker legislation. Please contact all those who voted NO and thank them.   YES Dennis Johnson (R)-Chair  405-557-7327 Lisa Billy (R) 405-557-7365 Elise Hall (R) 405-557-7403 Guy Liebmann (R) 405-557-7357…

Statement by President Little on Obama State of the Union Speech

After two years, President Obama has made historic changes and his efforts on job-creation, financial regulation and healthcare reform have stabilized the economy and put America back on track after the dark years of the Bush era. President Obama pushed for new rules cracking down on Wall Street excess that caused the recession and home…