Contracting Out Seven 757 Heavy Checks

On July 20 Local 514 sent a page to all shop stewards notifying them that Directing Manager of Aircraft Overhaul Mark Easton informed us that American was looking to contract out seven of the upcoming 757 heavy “C” checks. Local 514 officials informed Mr. Easton that we are NOT in agreement with any outsourcing of our work.

We need American Airlines to be successful in the day-to-day business of flying customers. Having our work outsourced due to AA’s inability to plan for the future is not acceptable. We know this only leads to inferior work, delays at the gates and, ultimately, the loss of customers. American knows this too.

Since sending notice to our members we have received some feed back. Mostly about the lack of “working together” being the cause of American Airlines contracting out our work. Let’s be very clear. Although working together has some benefits to our members, our observations are that it has been one sided. Much like when this company informed the union that they were going to get maximum yield out of its different aircraft fleets against the advice of the union counterparts. It was four to five years in the planning stage that put the American fleet in the position of parking 757’s and 737’s for heavy maintenance checks. This predicament didn’t just happen in the last six months. It is the same plan that

American took with its 777 landing gear and CFM-56 engines that were contracted out during the working together process for which we disagreed and warned the company years in advance.

Therefore, it is the position of TWU Local 514 that all light and heavy checks of American Airlines aircraft is inherently our work to be preformed by TWU members. We do not need to help American take work from our hands. The work is to be done with 100% compliance of FAA regulations and GPMs and Verbatim to any Airworthiness Directives (AD’s). We have the knowledge, skills, and desire to do this work. In fact, it was less than a year ago when Mr. Easton stated that, “no jets are being sourced to send outside and I have the utmost confidence in my team that we will fix this issue internally!”

American still has facilities at MCI, DWH, DFW, Alliance and more. We are willing to help with solutions – all the company has to do is start listening.

We need to be aware of all the work done in our areas. We need to remain vigilant! So, when you hear of a part not being worked in your area that you have in the past, find out why. Make sure this information is passed on to your shop steward so we keep our work in-house.