Contractually Speaking

Let’s welcome all the new TWU members aboard. It has been along time coming for American to start replacing all the members lost through attrition for the last 8 years. For the new members, it is the responsibility of American Airlines to provide each employee with a pocket-size copy of the TWU/AA Agreement under Article 27(k). Furthermore, under Article 27 general paragraph (g) the Company will furnish all required safety devices for employees working on hazardous or unsanitary work and employees will be required to use or wear the devices in performing such work.

Another article of the TWU/AA Agreement is Article 9 Probationary Period. Under the the Maintenance & Related and Stores Agreement probation is 180 days. Under the Fleet Service Agreement probation is 180 days for Ground Service employees and 120 calendar days for Fleet Service employees. Under the Maintenance Control Technician Agreement probation is 365 days.

With all that said we hope to see you at the Union Hall soon. Membership Meetings are normally on the last Monday of the month with the exception of months where it may conflict with holidays.