Crew Chief self demotion, Fleet Service Clerk and Crew Chief Fleet Service Clerk classification- March 2010

February 9,2010

Timothy J. Gillespie
International Representative
Transport Workers Union of America
1 791 Hurstview Drive
Hurst, TX 76054

Dear Tim,
As you know, the Company will be conducting a reduction in force within the Fleet Service Clerk and Crew Chief Fleet Service Clerk classification for Airport Services with the first round to be effective March 12, 2010. In addition, Article 12 (n) 2 of the AA/TWU agreement covering Fleet Service Clerk employees, obligates the Company to provide a fifteen (15) day window in March each year, to allow Crew Chiefs the opportunity to self demote.

As a result of these two (2) contractual applications occurring simultaneously, which is highly unusual, it was necessary for the Company and the TWU to get together to discuss a possible solution so as to minimize the impact to the employees and remain contractually compliant. After several discussions on the matter, the Company has decided to implement the following method at all applicable AA Fleet Service Clerk stations for this year.

Crew Chief self-demotion window in March, 2010

  • Open self-demotion opportunity window on March 13, 2010 and close March 28, 2010 (upholding the 15 calendar day window) at all Fleet Service Clerk stations.
  • The self-demotion upgrade awards will be processed after all the necessary rounds of the reduction in force (RIF) have been completed.
  • In the event the reduction in force includes a third (3rd) round (expected effective date April 23, 2010), then those employees who are awarded a Crew Chief position as a result of the self demotion/upgrade process, will be provided retroactive Crew Chief premium pay back to April 3, 2010.
  • Crew Chiefs who self demote through the self demotion process will retain the Crew Chief premium until the RIF is complete and the PTR is processed locally to allow the step down.

Crew Chief self-demotion in PDF

Q & A – Special Crew Chief Self-Demotion March 2010 AA/TWU Fleet Service agreement

Q. 1 I am a full time Crew Chief Fleet Service Clerk. At my station, only part time Fleet Service clerks have put in a bid for a Crew Chief Fleet Service Clerk promotional opportunity. Will I be allowed to self-demote?

A. 1 Bids will only be awarded within the same station (local airport), classification and status (FT/PT). Full time Crew Chief opportunities will be filled by full time employees and part time Crew Chief opportunities will be filled by part time employees. Under the circumstances you describe above, you would not be allowed to self-demote.

Q. 2 I am a Title II Crew Chief- Cabin Cleaner. Will I be allowed to self-demote if only Title Ill Fleet Service Clerks put in a bid for my Crew Chief – Cabin Cleaner promotional opportunity?
A. 2 No. Bids will only be awarded within same station (local airport), classification and status (FT/PT). All Title II Cabin Cleaners at the station (local airport) and within status who put in a bid for the promotional opportunity will be considered in seniority order.

Q. 3 I am a Title II Cabin Cleaner. Can I bid for a Crew Chief- Fleet Service Clerk?
A. 3 As a Title II Cabin Cleaner, you are only eligible to bid for Title II Crew Chief- Cabin Cleaner opportunities.

Q. 4 I am a full time Crew Chief- Fleet Service Clerk. I have less seniority than an employee with recall rights to the position I want to self-demote to at my station. Will I be allowed to self-demote?
A. 4 In order to protect the recall rights of other employees, the Company and the TWU have agreed that under such circumstances, you would be prohibited from exercising the ability to self-demote during the special window. (Reference letter of agreement dated March 14, 1996.)

Q. 5 I have been a Crew Chief for less than 180 days. Can I self-demote?
A. 5 Normally, a Crew Chief is not allowed to self-demote during the trial period. However, during this special window only, you are eligible to self-demote.

Q. 6 I am a full time Crew Chief – Fleet Service, who was a part time Fleet Service Clerk immediately prior to becoming a Crew Chief. Will I be allowed to self demote?
A. 6 Yes. (Refer to Question #I .)

Q. 7 Can I refuse a bid for a Crew Chief opportunity under the special self-demotion provision?
A. 7 You may withdraw your bid prior to the end of the special window, but not after. Bids on file at the end of the special window are irrevocable and cannot be rescinded.

Q. 8 I refused a Crew Chief system bid four months ago. Am I eligible to bid for a Crew Chief opportunity created by the special self-demotion?
A. 8 Your refusal of a regular Crew Chief bid will not prohibit you from bidding on a Crew Chief opportunity resulting from the special self-demotion. However, you are ineligible to put in a system bid on regular Crew Chief vacancies for six months from the date of your refusal.

Q. 9 I self-demoted through a transfer three months ago. Am I eligible to bid for a Crew Chief opportunity created by the special window?
A. 9 Yes, you are eligible to bid for an opportunity created by the special window.
Note: You are ineligible to put in a system bid for regular Crew Chief vacancies for twelve months (six months if you self-demoted through the transfer procedure to another city). (*Ground Service employees will be ineligible to put in a system bid for regular Crew Chief vacancies for two years.)

Q. 10 I was demoted for cause (or during the trial period) six months ago. Am I eligible to bid for a Crew Chief opportunity created by the special window?
A. 10 No. As a result of your demotion less than twelve months ago, you do not meet the qualifications required for the Crew Chief classification.

Q. 11 What qualifications are required to be a Crew Chief?
A. 11
To qualify for a Crew Chief position created by the special window, an employee must take and pass the qualifying test(s) established in the QAM (Qualifications Administration Manual) prior to being awarded a Crew Chief position. In other words, all employees must be qualified before the self-demotion and upgrade can take place.

Q. 12 What shift, days off and/or work area will I have as a result of changing positions
during the special window?
A. 12 Shift, days off and other work assignment details will be handled on a local basis
and coordinated with the Company and local TWU representatives.

Q. 13 l am currently a Crew Chief – Fleet Service at a station that is covered under the
One Station Complex Agreement, specifically, LGA. Am I subject to being reassigned to EWR or JFK as a result of electing to self-demote?
A. 13 No. The provisions of Article 46 – One Station Complex Agreements, are not
applicable under the self-demotion process.

Q. 14 I’m a Crew Chief – Fleet Service in Cargo. Will I be “held” for promotion/demotion purposes within the Cargo group or will I be blended into the
overall Fleet Service group at the station?
A. 14 The special self-demotion provision was intended to apply at the station (local
airport). Therefore, for purposes of the special self-demotion window, the Cargo
Fleet Service employees and the Ramp Fleet Service employees will be blended
into one group.

Q. 15 I am on an unpaid leave of Absence/inactive status. Will I be eligible to self-demote
or promote under this special provision?
A. 15 No. You must be on active payroll at the time you submit your request in order to
be eligible to participate in the Crew Chief special self-demotion window. If you
are drawing SK pay then you would be considered under this provision.

Q. 16 I am a part time Fleet Service Clerk. A part time Crew Chief – Fleet Service at
my station (local airport) has elected to self-demote under this provision. Is the
Company allowed to fill the part time Crew Chief – Fleet Service position since
the Company and the TWU agreed phase out the part time Crew Chief – Fleet
Service classification through attrition?
A. 16 Yes. The self-demotion process does not violate the provisions of 43(o). Once
the self-demotion is concluded under this scenario, the Company has neither
increased nor decreased the part time Crew Chief – Fleet Service population.

Q. 17 I am on a Union Leave of Absence. Am I allowed to self-demote or promote
under this provision?
A. 17 Yes.

Q. 18 If I self-demote under the special window, will I be able to be utilized as a Dl
(Acting Crew Chief) after my self-demotion? If not, how long will I be ineligible?
A. 18 Crew Chiefs self demoting through the special self-demotion process will be
required to wait for a period of twelve (12) months to bid another regular or
temporary Crew Chief vacancy and wait twelve (12) months to serve in the
capacity of an acting Crew Chief.

Q. 19 When must the window open and close?
A. 19 As outlined in Article 12(n) (2) and (3), the window must be started and
concluded during the month of March, but due to the unique circumstances
involving the March 201 0 Reduction in Force (RIF) occurring during the same
timeframe as the annual March Crew Chief self-demotion for fleet service clerks,
the open and close window will be set to open March 13,201 0 and close March
28, 2010 for all stations.

Q. 20 If, as a result of the reduction in force (RIF), I relocate to another station, will I still be able to self-demote?
A. 20 If you are relocated, as a result of the RIF, and are working in the new location
while the self-demotion window is open (opening March 13 and closing March
28), then you can exercise your option under Article 12 (2) (n) at your new location.
A. 20(a) If you are relocated, as a result of the RIF, and are not relocating until after the close of the self-demotion window, then you will not be able to exercise your option as outlined in Article 12 (2) (n) since the window will be closed.

Q. 21 If, as a result of the reduction in force (RIF), I am moved from a full time FSC
status to a part time FSC status at my local airport and I had requested an
upgrade from my FT status, will my request be honored?
A. 21 No, if you are moved from a full time FSC status to a part time FSC status, you
will not be able upgrade to a full time Crew Chief position because your (FT/PT)
status has changed to part time. (Refer to Question #I)

Q. 22 As a result of the self-demotion/upgrade window being fixed, when will the self-demotion/upgrade process be finalized?
A. 22 The self-demotion/upgrade process will not be finalized until after all necessary
rounds of the RIF have been completed. If the RIF process included a third (3rd)
round then the expected effective date is April 23, 2010.

Q. 23 If I am awarded a Crew Chief position, as a result of this process, and I otherwise
would have been awarded the upgrade prior to the final round of the RIF, will I be
entitled to any type of retroactive pay for the Crew Chief premium?
A. 23 Under these unique circumstances, you will be entitled to retroactive pay back to
April 3, 2010.

Should you have any questions not addressed in this Q & A, please call your HR Ops
Support office or representative.

CC special self-demotion Q & A – PDF