Current NMB Clarifications

Dear Sisters and Brothers:
Our office has received numerous E-mails and phone calls as a result of confusion created by newspaper and media coverage of our AA negotiations and the contract rejection by two of the work groups. In view of this, I decided that it was important to clarify some of the key facts about where we stand today.
First, the fact that the contract was rejected does not place us on a 30 day countdown to a strike. We are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the NMB and in order to be on a 30 day clock the Board has to release us. That determination is in the exclusive jurisdiction of the NMB and is made only when the NMB comes to the determination that further bargaining without a release would be futile.
That being said, we have planned to meet with the negotiating committee in order to discuss priorities and our further steps and options. Once accomplished (September 14-15) our next step will be contacting the NMB in order to advise them that we are willing to sit down at the bargaining table with American. However, now that we are in mediation, future meetings must be scheduled by the NMB.
As you know, several months ago, the TWU and the APFA both requested that the NMB release us. Nether request was granted. We will not renew or request without the full consideration with the negotiating committee and the Presidents. Obviously, we can only make this decision after reviewing the progress of the renewed bargaining. Clearly the NMB will make no judgment about the need for a release until it reviews the progress of any further bargaining.
Hope that this helps clear up some of the misinformation that has been spread by some media accounts.
James C. Little International President