Day 120, Equity Distribution. Note from President Danker


To All,

Tomorrow as reported by the company, our “Day 120” equity shares will be placed in our computershare accounts.

We will also be given a calculator by the International ATD that should let us determine what our total Equity distribution will be. It will be posted on our website and emailed to those on our list as soon as we receive it.

We know that 14% is being held back due to lawsuits and reserve for appeal resolution.

Also I was told yesterday during an ATD presidents conference call, the 757 portion of the equity will “likely” be distributed to eligible members “shortly after” the final (120 day) distribution.

If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact the Union Office at 918-437-4300 or the grievance office at 918-292-3213.

Thank you,