Dear 514 Shop Steward,

February 11, 2011

Dear 514 Shop Steward,

Thank you for accepting the duties and responsibilities of shop steward. As steward, you are the front line of defense on the floor. Without you, we would not be able to service our members in the professional manner they deserve.

We have developed a two-day training session for all Local 514 stewards. The classes will be held Wednesday, February 23 and Thursday, February 24. Each day will start at 8:00 am and end at 4:00 pm. The Transport Workers Union International Officers and Staff will conduct the training on Wednesday and your Local Officers and guests will conduct the second day of training. It is important that you attend both days.

Please inform your supervisor that you will be excused for union business from American Airlines on those two days. (Midnight shift stewards will be off work on February 22, 23 and 24.) If supervision has any questions they should call HR for verification. You will be required to badge in and out with your AA badge at the union hall because the Local will be responsible for your lost time. Make a copy of your detailed check stub when it posts on JetNet and bring it to the union hall or fax it to 438-8141, attention Shelby Morgan, Local 514 Treasurer.

It is a privilege and an honor to represent our members in the best professional manner possible. The enhanced training you will receive will benefit you and your union brothers and sisters for many years to come.

In solidarity,

Sam Cirri, President