Election Board Nominations

Election LetterBrothers and Sisters

I chaired the morning (7:15) AM and afternoon (11:45) AM Membership meetings and I did not call for nominations for the vote of our Election Committee members.

The nominations will be at the February Membership meeting and voted on in March, this was an oversight and I take full responsibility. We will leave the current Election Committee in place. Thank you for your understanding.

In Solidarity

Gary Yingst Vice President


(a) Commencing in 2011, the Election Board consisting of five members shall be elected at the regular membership meeting in February of every third year (following the regular officers elections). In order to be eligible for nomination and election to the Election Board a member must be in good standing and have attended at least three (3) regular membership meetings during the previous twelve (12) months. Replacement to any vacancy on the Election Board shall be by appointing the alternate, in order of the votes they received at the time of election.

(b) The Board of Election shall adopt appropriate rules and provide forms and ballots for the conduct of nominations and election of Officers in accordance with the International Constitution, Bylaws and accepted past practices of Local 514. The Election Board shall count ballots which are mailed or, in the event the handling and tabulation of ballots is assigned to an outside vendor by the membership or the International Union, monitor the work performed by such vendor during the entire election process.

(c) To be eligible for nomination and election to any office a member shall have maintained continuous good standing for a period of twelve (12) months prior to nominations and shall be in good standing at the time of nominations.
(d) Any employee eligible for membership in Local 514, or any member of Local 514 who actively engages in dual unionism (such as trying to persuade TWU members to sign cards or support another union), will not be permitted to hold any office of Local 514 or any Section of Local 514 for a period of five (5) years. Said five (5) years shall be from the last known date of such dual union activity.

(e) Nominations of Officers shall be held at the regular membership meeting in May of every third year, commencing in May 1995.
(f) Newly elected Officers shall be installed at the regular membership meeting in July following their election to office and they shall serve for a period of three (3) years.

(g) The official attendance register shall constitute the sole proof of attendance at regular membership meetings.
(h) Eight (8) Sergeant at Arms shall be elected during the general election of Officers. A member must be in good standing and have attended at least three (3) regular membership meetings during the preceding 12 months in order to be eligible to hold a sergeant at arms position.

(i) Any member elected to office shall sign the oath of office and submit a letter of support to the TWU.


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