Equity Distribution Update, July 3, 2013

Dear Brothers & Sisters:

The TWU Equity Distribution Committee met on July 2, 2013 at the ATD office in Hurst, Texas to review the draft Power Point presentation (attached) as presented by your TWU Equity Distribution Committee, legal counsel and professional advisors.

We discussed, in detail, the many comments and suggestions received from the TWU membership, while visiting the various stations on the Equity Distribution Road Show. Your Committee will continue to review your feedback and suggestions. On July 16, 2013, the Committee will meet again to finalize the Plan and will then transmit directions to American Airlines regarding eligibility of members to participate in the distribution of the shares allotted to the TWU and regarding the percentage of shares to be provided to each eligible participant.

We appreciate your patience and will continue to move forward on behalf of the TWU Membership.

Signed, in solidarity, TWU Equity Distribution Committee

Donny Tyndall, President Local 502
Sean Doyle, President Local 512
Darrin Pierce, President Local 513
Sam Cirri, President Local 514
Jim Fudge, President Local 541
John Plowman, President Local 542
Larry Pike, President Local 567
Matt Lorenzi, Vice President 567
Tom Lee, President Local 568
Gary Peterson, President Local 591

 TWU Equity Distribution Plan – StationVisits in PDF