Senator Coburn has released his hold on the FAA Extension!!!

We had reported earlier today in our Informer Issue 39, that FAA HELD HOSTAGE AGAIN, and that we urged you to respond to Coburn’s Office to have him stop this.

It was just reported to me from Joe McGill, TWU 514 Executive Board Member at Large, that Senator Coburn has released his hold on the FAA Extension.

Thanks for all you do. And, thank you for helping out on this issue.




Attention Local 514 Members: We need your help! Please do what you can to get our members to respond to Coburn’s office. He’s holding up the extension! Thanks



On Friday September 16, 2011 the extension for FAA funding again runs out. In an effort to avoid a partial shutdown like the one that occurred before the last extension the House and Senate agreed to a four month clean extension.

Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma is single handedly holding up the FAA and surface transportation extensions.

Sen. Coburn has taken the FAA hostage because he is demanding that a last second provision be added to the surface transportation extension that would allow states to ignore a mandate that dictates 10 percent of surface transportation funds be spent on transportation enhancements and community livability.

Sen. Coburn has absolutely no support behind him and even his counterpart Sen. Inhofe (R-OK) disagrees with him.

Sen. Coburn has taken it upon himself to hold up a vital bill for a venture that will surely fail. Not only will his effort be in vain but he could potentially cause the government to lose hundreds of millions of dollars while at the same time ensuring 80,000 of workers are furloughed without pay, again.

Sen. Coburn has vowed to use “all procedural tools at his disposal to force a vote”. The FAA is on its 22nd extension while the surface transportation is on its seventh, and this is the last thing that should be happening. It is clear that the GOP is not beyond using working families as bargaining chips to advance their political fortunes.

If Sen. Coburn succeeds in holding up the bill the earliest a vote could be scheduled is sometime next week. It is imperative that you contact Sen. Coburn and let him know that you want the extension now, and not later!

Senator Tom Coburn

Toll Free: 888 907-9365
Washington D.C.: 202 224-5754
Oklahoma City: 405 231-4941
Tulsa: 918 581-7651


Please Write Your Congressman

Your voice can make the difference. Here are some sample letters that we encourage people to copy and/or revise and send to their Congressmen and Senators. Our silence is the same as approval of their current actions. You can find their contact information at



August 29, 2011

The Honorable James Inhofe 205 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Inhofe, Thank you for your leadership in ensuring the safety and health of the American workforce by supporting the Voluntary Protection Program Ace, Senate Bill 807. As a supporter of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP), I applaud your efforts to safeguard the future of VPP.

At a time when America faces increasing concerns regarding its spending habits, you understand the important role VPP plays in protecting America’s workforce. VPP also allows businesses the freedom they need to succeed and thrive through prevention before enforcement ever becomes necessary. Participating sites voluntarily go far above and beyond what is called for by OSHA regulations as a result of a focus on worksite analysis, education and cooperation among employees, employers and regulators. This emphasis on prevention yields injury and illness rates that are at least 50 percent below industry averages. As a result, compensation costs are reduced and productivity increases, making VPP sites more competitive in the global marketplace and protecting American jobs.

As you well know, the Voluntary Protection Program Act, will allow more businesses to take advantage of the proven safety and health benefits of VPP, including numerous small businesses that would otherwise lack the ability to develop and implement safety and health management systems of this caliber. Additionally, participating federal worksites will continue to save the American taxpayer millions of dollars in compensation and lost productivity costs.

As a constituent, I thank you for your support of the safety and health of the American people with your co-sponsorship of the VPP Act.

Sincerely, Full Home Address

September 13

U.S. Congressman John Sullivan 434 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Representative Sullivan,

At a time when America faces increasing concerns of debt and it’s spending habits, it is extremely important to recognize the value of American lives vs cutting safety of American people in aviation.

The provision pushed by Rep. Mica of Florida will make union elections unlike the typical elections we are all used to. “If Rep. Mica has his way, any person who misses the election due to an illness, planned vacation, family emergency, or hours at a second job will have his or her non-cast vote counted as a vote against the union.” As Cooper explains, the plan will also encourage further worker intimidation, as those who don’t vote at all will be counted as no votes. If I do not vote in the next election then it would act as a vote for change and the incumbent’s automatic removal. If you disagree then let the intention of an abstaining be exactly that, a non vote. How can it count as a NO vote toward unions? Please pass a long term permanent FAA re-authorization bill without anti-union provisions.

Thank you,

My Name Full Address, OK