Labor History This Month

Important Dates in Labor History

Nov. 15, 1881

The labor organization later known as the American Federation of Labor is founded at Turner Hall in Pittsburgh. Cigar-maker Samuel Gompers would become its president in 1886.

Nov. 11, 1887

Four labor organizers hanged for alleged conspiracy in riot and bombing in Chicago’s Haymarket Square.

Nov. 23, 1887

The Thibodaux Massacre. The Louisiana Militia, aided by bands of “prominent citizens,” shot at least 35 unarmed black sugar workers striking to gain a dollar-per-day wage, and lynched two strike leaders.

Nov. 14, 1903

The Women’s Trade Union League is founded.

Nov. 23, 1903

Over 1,000 troops sent in to Cripple Creek, Colorado after miners went out on strike for $3 daily minimum and 8-hour day. Rough Rider General Sherman Bell declared martial law. Newspapers later revealed he was also being paid by the mine owners. After 15 months of violence, the mine owners conceded the 8-hour day and $3 daily minimum.

Nov. 22, 1909

The “Uprising of the 20,000.” Female garment workers went on strike in New York; many were arrested. A judge told those arrested: “You are on strike against God.”

Nov. 1, 1918

Malbone tunnel disaster in Brooklyn. Scab motorman crashes subway train during strike killing 97 people, injuring over 200. Forces subway company into bankruptcy.

Nov. 30, 1930

Mother Jones, the Miner’s Angel, dies at age 100. Founder of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), she led a children’s march against child labor and was known as “the most dangerous woman in America.”

Nov. 9, 1935

Eleven unions meet at Mine Workers headquarters with John L. Lewis to form the Committee for Industrial Organizations with the American Federation of Labor. They would soon break with the AFL and begin to organize workers along industrial lines.

Nov. 7, 1959

The Taft-Hartley Act is invoked by the Supreme Court to break a steel strike.

Nov. 13, 1974

Karen Silkwood, an activist with the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union is killed in a mysterious car crash during an investigation of an Oklahoma nuclear plant.