Letter from Local 514 President, Dale Danker, December 21, 2013


Dale Danker TWU514 President

Dale DankerTWU514 President

To All,

I would like to take a few moments of your time and share some highlights of my term thus far as President since July 29th.

First I want to thank the members of the I-team for delivering information to the entire membership during the teamsters raid.  They could not have known the extent or difficulty of the task they volunteered for. They were called every name in the book doing it.  They were relentless and thorough and they educated the entire membership at a time when rumors and misinformation dominated the base.  We are still the TWU.

Good job I-team!

Members had expressed their interest in changing the leadership at the International level.  Your delegates took your voice to the TWU International Convention. Now we have a new power packed team at the top.

In the airline industry it has always been toughest for those with the least seniority.

These brothers and sisters continue to have the threat of job loss hanging over their heads. Most are still on undesirable shifts that keep them away from their families.  To those members I want you all to know that I have been pushing for the return of “Pot Luck” shift selection. I am cautiously hopeful you will get some relief in the first quarter of 2014. Hang on and do the best you can.

I want to thank the Officers for their hard work.  As a Crew Chief, I could not see what the Union Officers job encompassed. I now know just what a thankless, and necessary job they have.  I am proud to say that the group you elected are working their tails off on your behalf.

Your officers will add focus on strategic planning sessions starting in January to develop a plan to secure and strengthen your Unions ability to represent you now and in the future.

Some have already witnessed cutbacks. Motions to spend our funds on items that are not a direct need for membership representation have been ruled out of order due to fiduciary responsibilities.  This cautious approach to spending will continue. We will develop a budget and live within our means.

I want to personally thank our Vice President Mr. Gary Yingst. I have leaned on him for guidance and he has mentored me. Thank you Gary. I appreciate you more than you know.

Our next big challenge is the “One Carrier” operation and to Harmonize the contracts of all Maintenance groups.

Remember – “A house divided against itself cannot stand”

Happy Holiday Season to all.

We are the Union


Dale Danker
TWU Local 514 President


Dale Danker-Letter-12-21-2013 in PDF