Letter to Bill Collins on Retirees Access to Base from TWU514 VP Gary Yingst

February 5, 2014

Bill Collins, Vice President
Base Maintenance
Maintenance & Engineering Center
American Airlines, Inc
3900 N Mingo Rd
Tulsa, OK 74116

RE: Retirees Access to Base

Dear Mr. Collins:

Local 514 is making a formal request on behalf of our members who have retired. Our retirees and this local leadership would appreciate  American Airlines reconsidering the decision of denying retirees access to the AA credit union and especially the pass office.

There are a lot of our retired members and your former employees who worked over 40 years with this company. They dedicated their life to making this one of the best places to work in Oklahoma and a strong hold in the Airline community for decades. Mr. Collins, a lot of our retirees are not comfortable with  computers, jetnet and booking flights online. Lets not forget some have been gone for over 20 to 30 years.

In closing I would like to think they are still a part of this company and our friends who deserve this request to be taken seriously.  


Gary Yingst
Vice President Local 514

Retiree LetterGary Yingst to Collins