Lunch with AA Vendors

It has been brought to the attention of the local that there have been a few union members going out to lunch, accepting shirts, hats and other favors from American Airlines vendors. This is NOT appropriate behavior from our union members. At this point in time, with all that is going on in contracting out our work from engines and landing gear and their components to complete aircraft overhaul heavy checks, union members need to police the company and speak out against any of our parts being sent to any outside vendors. With contract negotiations and American canceling our AA MRO team to bring in new work, we don’t want vendors like Honeywell, Nordam, AAR, and Chromalloy invited in by TWU union members to place bids on our current work.

One last point on this subject is Article 10h of the TWU/AA Agreement that covers “Special Assignments” is considered MPR time unless prior approval is given by the President of the local. Currently there are no job assignments within the scope of the TWU/AA Agreement for which a union member goes out to lunch or accepts favors from an American Airlines vendor.