Making Change at Walmart

Walmart Associates throughout the country are standing up for change at Walmart –and we are standing beside them as they work to make a difference in their stores and their company.

Momentum is building – both for the Associate-led Organization United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart) and for Making Change at Walmart, a campaign that stands in solidarity with Associates claiming the respect they deserve.

Be sure to register your voice with the Associates working to improve conditions at Walmart by clicking here.

No single employer in America has a larger impact on employment standards than Walmart. That’s why we must stop Walmart’s race to the bottom. But this work must be done with Walmart Associates. We can change Walmart – but we need to work together.

As someone interested in seeing change happen at Walmart, be sure to like the Making Change at Walmart Facebook page and follow the campaign on Twitter.

And please encourage all the Walmart Associates you know to join OUR Walmart, and connect with the organization on Facebook and Twitter. The organization’s mission — to gain respect for all Walmart Associates — is a huge one. But real change is coming.

Thank you for joining in this important work!

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