M&R Negotiations Update – 10/06/11

The TWU Maintenance and Related (M&R) Negotiating Committee reconvened in Hurst, Texas on October 6, 2011. During this meeting Larry Pike, President TWU Local 567, Don Videtich, ATD Representative and Mark Richard, Labor Attorney, reported on the informal meetings of October 3-5, 2011, with representatives from American Airlines Senior Management . The parties continued the discussions of the open articles from the last session.

After the report to the full M&R Negotiating Committee, a motion was made “to request a formal release from the NMB dated October 7, 2011”. In addition to the motion, a roll-call vote was requested. The following are the results of that vote:

Robert Todd (Against)
Brian McMahon (For)
Mike Rubel (Against)
Don Dougherty (Against)
John Hewitt (Against)
John Carlisle (Against)
Charlie Meyer (Against)
Jorge Rojas (For)
Eddie Suarez (For)
Bob Owens (For)
Scott Reardon (For)
Steve Gilboy (Against)
John Ruiz (For)
Bill Houseman (For)
Gary Peterson (For)
Larry Pike (For)
John Compton (For)
Vinnie Argentina (not present)
John Mizwa (not present)
Glenn Jeanes (not present)
Howard Blaydes (not present)

This motion failed.

A subsequent motion was made: “that if following the M&R Negotiating Committee’s next meeting, a Tentative Agreement was not reached, then the TWU M&R Negotiating Committee would formally file with the NMB to be released from negotiations no later than November 30, 2011”. In addition to the motion, this motion was also requested to be a roll-call vote. The following are the results of that vote:

Robert Todd (Against)
Brian McMahon (For)
Mike Rubel (Against)
Don Dougherty (Against)
John Hewitt (For)
John Carlisle (For)
Charlie Meyer (Against)
Jorge Rojas (For)
Eddie Suarez (For)
Bob Owens (For)
Scott Reardon (For)
Steve Gilboy (Against)
John Ruiz (For)
Bill Houseman (For)
Gary Peterson (For)
Larry Pike (For)
John Compton (For)
Vinnie Argentina (not present)
John Mizwa (not present)
Glenn Jeanes (not present)
Howard Blaydes (not present)

This motion passed.

Larry Pike, Don Videtich and Mark Richard are scheduled to meet informally again on November 17-18, 2011 with American Airlines Management. A full M&R Negotiation Committee meeting will immediately follow those sessions.

Stay informed.

The M&R Negotiating Committee appreciates your patience and support as we work toward an agreement.