
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

AA Bankruptcy Court Update – August 24, 2013

The United States respectfully submits this Statement in response to the Court’s invitation to any interested party to address whether the Court should confirm the Debtors’ proposed plan of reorganization (the “Plan”) at this time in light of the antitrust suit filed by the United States, six states, and the District of Columbia on August…

Maintenance Control Technicians, Union Representative Contact List

OFFICERS CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY Jason Best (918) 859-4802 Ted Powell (918) 638-2078 Perry Bowers (817) 846-9406 Shop Stewards (Dayshift) Dennis Zumwalde (918) 625-0104 (Nightshift) Bill Jackson Safety and Benefits (918) 809-1580 (Dayshift) Howard McKinney (918) 398-1998 (Nightshift) Clint Mitchell (918) 810-6174    …

Unions Representing 70,000 American Airlines and US Airways Employees Call for Speedy Trial in Merger Litigation

Charlotte, NC, Euless, TX, Fort Worth, TX, and Washington, DC — Aug. 22, 2013 — The Allied Pilots Association (“APA”), the US Airline Pilots Association (“USAPA”), the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (“APFA”), Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (“AFA”), the Transport Workers Union (“TWU”) and the Communications Workers of America (“CWA”), unions representing 70,000 American Airlines…

Equity Eligibility Notification Deadline Update

We recently extended the deadline when TWU represented employees would receive their eligibility information regarding the Equity Distribution. The prior deadline was set for August 22, 2013. In consultation with the mailing service provider we were advised of literally several hundred discrepancies in mailing addresses due to members retiring, being laid off and relocating which…