
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Equity Distribution Update, July 3, 2013

Dear Brothers & Sisters: The TWU Equity Distribution Committee met on July 2, 2013 at the ATD office in Hurst, Texas to review the draft Power Point presentation (attached) as presented by your TWU Equity Distribution Committee, legal counsel and professional advisors. We discussed, in detail, the many comments and suggestions received from the TWU…

Teamsters’ Hoffa Bribes to Buy Election

You’ve probably heard the serious allegations that the Teamsters forged union cards of American mechanics.  Now, Labor Notes, the independent labor news service reports that Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa’s attempted to buy votes in a union election.  Hoffa Must Pay to Publicize Bribe Attempts   April 05, 2011 / Jenny Brown After six months of investigation…

CEOs Made 273 Times What Workers Did In 2012

Wages have been stagnant or falling for American workers throughout the recovery, but their bosses’ pay has rebounded dramatically. Average CEO compensation hit $14.1 million in 2012, up more than a third from 2009, and the ratio of CEO pay to worker pay hit a staggering 272.9-to-1, according to new research from the Economic Policy…

AMR Bankruptcy Update – 1114 Process

As American Airlines moves towards an exit from bankruptcy, there is still the issue of the Retiree Medical for current retirees. AA has proposed making modifications to the Retiree Medical Plan by shifting 100% of the cost of maintaining the plan to the current retirees. On January 23, 2013, Judge Lane heard arguments in connection…