Michael Quill Scholarship Application 2024

TWU Founder Michael J. Quill The union has been honoring our founder with these scholarships since 1969. Quill Scholarship awards have benefited hundreds of TWU families. Children of our members…


Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Q&A regarding the MOU

PAY ISSUES 1.    Was profit sharing eliminated? If so, what was it replaced by? We eliminated profit sharing and replaced with a base pay increase that is substantially more valuable to our members. Profit sharing is a one-time bonus pay conditioned on profitability. It is not base pay which is a permanent part of compensation. We have…

More Details on the MOU with US Airways

From Bobby Gless, February 1, 2013 TO: AA Locals 501 – 568 RE: MOU Dear Brothers & Sisters: I have received a number of calls about the MOU that we posted on the website on Monday. Therefore, I asked the Director of Strategic Research to provide an explanation of how a 4.3% raise compares to…

Reality Check

So you want a new Union because:  The old one could not stop American Airlines from going Bankrupt  The old one negotiated an agreement that saved Jobs  The old one kept your pension frozen rather than GONE  The old one fought and kept 31 maintenance docks / lines working  The old one kept the outsourcing…

The Facts on the 4.3% Raise for TWU Members at American Airlines

There has been a question raised by some members about whether the trade off of profit sharing for the 4.3% base pay increase was a good deal.  It’s been claimed that the  4.3% raise is not worth as much as the so called 5% profit sharing program. No profit sharing program has put a cent…

Chicken Pox, Flu, Pneumonia and Shingles, Too

Many of you have asked us to make it easier for you to get immunizations. It can be difficult to make and keep a doctor’s appointment for a flu shot or other immunization, whether due to work or travel schedules. To meet this need, we have contracted with the prescription drug manager for our medical…

Teamsters Nonsense!

The IBT is again claiming they will reopen our agreement by filing a Section 6 reopener, and that they will magically achieve wage and benefit improvements above what the TWU has negotiated.  This claim is nonsense. The law does not provide for any scenario that would allow the IBT to open and renegotiate our contract…