RE: Taxable Earnings/Prefunding Dear Mr. Gless, The TWU International asked our accounting firm to research the method by which prefunding income was being reported by the company. TWU members were asking questions regarding this matter. Of course each member must consult his/her own tax advisor for advice. However, we can provide general information…
Scholarship Information
2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
Letter to Bobby Gless, RE: Interest Earnings on Prefunding Contributions
Stock Car Races, Creek County Speedway, TWU/AA ID = Get in FREE, May 25th, 2013
“TWU/AA” Night at the Creek County Speedway, May 25th, 2013 Races start at 7:00PM TWUAA-Night Creek County Speedway in PDF
Workers compensation battle expected in House
SOURCE The Journal Record OKLAHOMA CITY – Though it cleared the Oklahoma Senate with no amendments, little debate and a big spread of yes votes, the mammoth overhaul of the workers’ compensation system probably won’t be getting the same fast-track reception on the other side of the Capitol. Designed to eliminate the present court-based…
Teamsters Promise…
Teamsters Keep Promising They Will Get What the TWU Has Already Negotiated For You The Teamsters claim… They will get you the 4.8% equity stake that is exclusively controlled by the TWU to distribute to the groups we represent. To the contrary, the TWU will never allow the Teamsters to determine how our 4.8% will…
Health Spending Accounts information If you have the Standard plan, AA seeded the HRA account with $375.00 emp. and $375.00 eligible spouse. You can also earn the Healthmatters rewards and get up to $250.00 emp. $250.00 spouse that will be deposited into the applicable health savings account that goes with the plan you are enrolled in. Please check…
Have Community Care HMO and a Medical Flex Spending account?
To set up auto reimbursement you must go to jetnet then to benefits page and then to Payflex link, and then follow the directions listed below. Auto reimbursement does not work with HMOs as they do not feed to PayFLex. You can follow these directions to change the reimbursement method with PayFlex. You can do…