
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Union Women Rock!

By Linda Dill Local 514’s Working Women’s Committee began meeting about even years ago. Meeting discussions entail workplace issues, sharing important educational and health information, community service volunteer projects and urging union women to step up and take on leadership roles. As a union member, you are already part of the committee and there are…

2011 Free Tax Preparation

Income Guidelines: $50,000 with dependents; $40,000 single Appointment line opens January 14, 2011. Call 918-382-3333. Walk-ins will also be accepted at sites, depending on site capacity. For fast, efficient filing, YOU MUST BRING: 1. Picture I.D. 2.A SOCIAL SECURITY CARD and/or ITIN for EACH FAMILY MEMBER 3.All items that apply to you or your family:…


This is the last week to sign up for the annual AFL-CIO Union Councilor Training Program. Application forms must be filled out at the TWU Local 514 office before January 21, 2011. The cost is free to TWU members. Classes are held each Tuesday beginning on February 8, 2011 and every Tuesday for the next…

Question from the Floor

With the recalls and re-assignments going on, is AA keeping up with attrition? Also, what is the average age of our membership? – Terry Buck Inspector Hgr 5&6 Over the past twenty-four months: Average monthly attrition rate 18.7 Within these averages: Average monthly retirees per month 8.6 Average monthly resignations/terminations 6.9 Average monthly deceased 3.2…

Women’s Committee Meeting

Wednesday, January 26, 2011 2:00 PM Executive Board Conference Room TWU Hall 11945 East Pine Street Debbie Tiller, Chair TWU 514 Womens Committee Meeting Notice (Women’s Committee) Jan 26 2011 PDF