
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

TWU Mechanic & Related Contract Mediation Update 9-15-2010

The Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee represents Aviation Maintenance Technicians, Overhaul Support Mechanics, Aircraft Cleaners, Parts Washers in Title I, also Plant Maintenance Mechanics, Plant Maintenance Man, Utility Man, Building Cleaners, Cabin Cleaners in Title II 1-888-4TWUUpdate 1-888-489-8873 The TWU Maintenance and Related Negotiating committee reconvened in Hurst, Texas September 14 – September 15,…

Questions from the Members

Q. Is it possible to negotiate the elimination of base shutdown? Jay Varvera, Hangar 1. A. The simple answer is yes. But, taking into account that we are in mediation negotiations and we have already had a tentative agreement voted down by the membership and to my knowledge, the no vote was not driven by…

United Health Group Settlement

If you were at anytime covered by United Healthcare medical plan through American Airlines you may have received a notice and claim form concerning a class action settlement.


The last day to register to vote in the up coming November election is OCTOBER 8! You can pick up Voter Registration Application Form from the Grievance office above the landing gear shop, the union hall or download from Below link. For Oklahoma Absentee ballot application deadline is October 27 and early voting October…

American Airlines Issues RIF Notices

On September 3, 2010, American Airlines gave out 250 letters of Reduction in Force to Union members across four cities in Title Groups I, II and V. The cities affected are: Kansas City, San Francisco, Detroit and Minneapolis-St Paul.