
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Coping with the Death of a Coworker

Our co-workers are very much like an extended family. Full-time workers often spend as much or more time with their co-workers than they do their friends and family. Therefore, if a person at work dies, you may find that you are struck with a sense of sadness similar to losing a family member or close…

Contract TA – Informational Meetings Update, 6-18-10

To all members: Your Negotiations Committee has finished the TA language and will have it available to you on the website,, and in printed media by July 1st or earlier. This will enable you to review it prior to the informational meetings.

Tentative Agreement information.

We have the T/A’s available here, you will need to log in to the site to gain access. If you are having trouble with your log-in, please contact the Staff @ (918) 437-4300 They will be happy to assist you. Tech Specialist T/A, 2010 Stores T/A, 2010 M&R T/A , 2010 By mid month we…

AMR Data Compromised

Important Security and Protection Notification. Please read this entire letter. (link below) Q&A Link AMR Data Compromise – PDF This just in, I do not know all the details, Looks like it will pertain to employees from a time period beginning in 1960 to 1995. Please see the attached document. Al Ball

RE: M/R and Stores Printed Agreements

June 30,2010 TO: AA Local Presidents RE: M/R and Stores Printed Agreements Brothers: The purpose of this letter is to provide an update on the print job of the two agreements. On Tuesday, July 6,2010, the PDF versions of the agreements will be e-mailed to the Presidents and Negotiating team. The PDF will also be…