Michael J Quill and Local 514 Scholarship Winners for 2010 – PDF Michael J Quill and Local 514 Scholarship Winners for 2010

2025 Michael J. Quill Scholarship
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”
Michael J Quill and Local 514 Scholarship Winners for 2010 – PDF Michael J Quill and Local 514 Scholarship Winners for 2010
Shop Stewards Meeting June 14, 2010- PDF Monday, June 14, 2010 7:15 AM, 11:45 AM and 3:45 PM 11929 East Pine Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74116 Agenda Regular Order of Business. Transport Workers Union, Local 514 Steve Luis, President
CLUW Tulsa Flyer – PDF www.cluw.org SOLIDARITY INVOLVEMENT DIGNITY JUSTICE Sisters & Brothers in the Labor Movement: We are organizing a CLUW chapter in Tulsa and we need you!
TWU “Suspends” Tentative Contract Agreement for 11,000 Fleet Service Workers at American Airlines Unresolved Issues Prevent Union from Recommending Agreement to TWU Members
The TWU Fleet and Ground Service Negotiating Committee reconvened with American Airlines management in Washington, D.C. the week of May 24th through May 28th. During this week-long session, proposals were passed by both sides and early this morning, May 28, 2010, a Tentative Agreement was reached.
by Tracy Hardin I had the honor of attending the 2010 TWU, AFL-CIO COPE LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE and that is the challenge that greeted me when I walked in the conference center. “Take Charge of Political Change: Stay Connected” As a Transport Worker we have a tendency to forget that issues complicate my job, my livelihood,…