
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Shop Steward Meeting Notice

Shop Stewards Meeting June 14, 2010- PDF Monday, June 14, 2010 7:15 AM, 11:45 AM and 3:45 PM 11929 East Pine Street Tulsa, Oklahoma 74116 Agenda Regular Order of Business. Transport Workers Union, Local 514 Steve Luis, President

Coalition of Labor Union Women

CLUW Tulsa Flyer – PDF SOLIDARITY INVOLVEMENT DIGNITY JUSTICE Sisters & Brothers in the Labor Movement: We are organizing a CLUW chapter in Tulsa and we need you!

Fleet Service Negotiations Update, 5-28-2010

The TWU Fleet and Ground Service Negotiating Committee reconvened with American Airlines management in Washington, D.C. the week of May 24th through May 28th. During this week-long session, proposals were passed by both sides and early this morning, May 28, 2010, a Tentative Agreement was reached.

Taking Charge and Staying Connected

by Tracy Hardin I had the honor of attending the 2010 TWU, AFL-CIO COPE LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE and that is the challenge that greeted me when I walked in the conference center. “Take Charge of Political Change: Stay Connected” As a Transport Worker we have a tendency to forget that issues complicate my job, my livelihood,…