
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

Origin of Veteran’s Day

In 1921, an unknown World War I  American Soldier was buried in  Arlington National. This site, on a  hillside overlooking the Potomac River  and the city of Washington, became  the focal point of reverence for  America’sveterans.

Burglary @ 514

In the early morning hours, Approx. 04:15 this morning 2 people broke into the Transport Workers Union local 514, Office building. These videos are what we have captured.

Delta wants to cut pilot’s

According to a memo released by the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), Delta wants to cut an unspecified number of pilot jobs through a program that would give pilots an incentive to retire. Under the terms of the proposal, active pilots who have met certain age and length-of-service metrics would be eligible to participate in…