
Passages “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

TWU514 Meeting at the American Airlines M&E Base

Steve Luis, President of TWU Local 514, met with the membership at the Tulsa M&E base on Wednesday April 14th. This was to let the membership know that our standing on negotiations has not changed. Steve addressed the MOC move to DFW, 84-85 members that will be effected, Steve assured them that the TWU will…

NMB Decision on AMR Bargaining

The National Mediation Board announced on April 14 that bargaining between the Transport Workers Union and AMR will resume while the Board continues to consider the TWU’s and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants’ requests for release. The Board also announced that American Eagle and American Airlines will be treated and considered for release as…

American Airlines comments to the NMB about Release Request, April 1, 2010

Mark Burdette Vice President, Employee Relations Via Email, Fax, and Fedex                                            April 1, 2010 Elizabeth Dougherty, Chairperson Harry Hoglander, Member Linda Puchala, Member The National Mediation Board 1301 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20572 Re: NMB Case number A-13495