Reality Check

So you want a new Union because:

  •  The old one could not stop American Airlines from going Bankrupt
  •  The old one negotiated an agreement that saved Jobs
  •  The old one kept your pension frozen rather than GONE
  •  The old one fought and kept 31 maintenance docks / lines working
  •  The old one kept the outsourcing language under 35% of our work
  •  The old one kept the Tulsa Maintenance Facilities open
  •  The old one retrieved compensation from 757 Outsourcing
  •  The old one pulled an “equity stake” out of thin air
  •  The old one pulled off a “Me Too” clause so you would share gains 

No one could do what we’ve done,

thats the power of the

The Transport Workers Union of America

Made from people, People just like you!


So you want a new Union Flier – PDF