Some lawmakers didn’t think we’d put up a fight…..


Because our elected officials have heard from us, we’ve been able to slow them down from passing Fast Track and bad trade deals. And it looks like over the next two days we might be able to bring this to a screeching halt. But that can only happen if you call your lawmakers now and tell them to vote “no” on Fast Track.

Click here now to call your representative and tell her or him to vote “NO” on Fast Track. Or call them directly at 855-712-8441.

Some lawmakers didn’t think we’d put up a fight when they started working to pass Fast Track. They thought this would be easy. Activists like you have made it a real battle. What you’ve done is truly amazing. But we aren’t over the finish line quite yet.

Our democracy and the livelihood of working families across the country depend on us finishing what we’ve started. Congress needs to know that we will not stand by and let the 1% trade away our democracy for their gains in profit. We may be the underdogs but, if we act now, stopping Fast Track is a real possibility.

Call your representative right now and tell her or him to vote “NO” on Fast Track when it comes up for a vote.