Statement by Transport Workers Union of America Air Transport Director Garry Drummond on Today’s Decision by U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to Hear AMR/US Airways Merger Case in 2013


Members and leaders of the Transport Workers Union employed at both American Airlines and US Airways are pleased that Judge Kollar-Kotelly has decided to hear arguments in the American Airlines/US Airways merger suit on November 25, 2013.

A new American Airlines composed of US Airways and the current American will provide greater competition with Delta and United as well, as with foreign airlines. The new American will certainly offer travelers more options and better service.

TWU members are concerned about job security and the future of the new American Airlines that has been jeopardized as a result of the Department of Justice’s interference in the merger process. We just need a fair chance to compete.

We thank Judge Kollar-Kotelly for speeding this process along.